Carbonado Historical
School District
The MISSION of Carbonado Historical School District is to promote lifelong learning and success for all students, staff and community.
The VISION of Carbonado Historical School District is a partnership between the school and the community which values academic excellence and character growth in every student.
The winter months occasionally bring weather conditions that cause parents to call the school to find out if school will be canceled. Carbonado School is unique to most school systems in that our school normally remains open when other schools in the area close. This is due to the fact that the majority of our students live in town and can make it to school.
School will be closed when there is a power outage, a natural disaster, or poor weather conditions that make driving difficult for our staff and buses. When this occurs, radio and TV stations will run an announcement. Channel 4, 5, and Channel 13 are the best stations for receiving information on Carbonado School changes.
Our Food Service is through White River Schools and if they are closed we might not have lunch available. If Carbonado does not have food available for lunches, then we will be closed.
Please watch the different television stations available, or call the school. We are not part of the White River School District and we will have different decisions for our District based on the weather conditions. There are times when our district announces "limited transportation." This means buses will not drive up to the Fairfax area. The choice bus route will travel its regular routes, including Black Tail Estates, with the following exceptions: Highway 162 between South Prairie and the Buckley “Y” – Students will be picked up at the Burnett Store. John’s Road - Tubbs Road - Students will be picked up at the main entrance to Rainier Ranch Sites or the Wilkeson Post Office.
To eliminate confusion on limited transportation days, students will be dropped off after school at the same places where they were picked up. In the event weather conditions deteriorate during the school day, necessitating early closure, buses will operate on the same roads / stops that they used in the morning, if possible. The School Office will try to make phone contact with each student’s home.
Each family should have a plan covering what to do when children arrive home early due to an emergency. The plan should include the following: How will your child get into the house? Where could they go if they need help? Who would care for your child until you arrive? Is there someone that your child could go home with if the need arises? Does the school have a current emergency contact for your children?