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Carbonado Historical
School District
The MISSION of Carbonado Historical School District is to promote lifelong learning and success for all students, staff and community.
The VISION of Carbonado Historical School District is a partnership between the school and the community which values academic excellence and character growth in every student.
Learning Services
Carbonado is committed to making a difference in the lives of our students.
LAP: Carbonado Historical School District provides targeted intervention for students below standard in K-8 reading.
504: Carbonado Historical School District ensures that any student who may have a disability, but doesn't qualify for special education services still be provided accommodations so they benefit from school.
Special Education: We serve students from age 3 to 8th grade with identified disabilities. Special education services are individualized for each student as determined by their IEP team and outlined in their Individualized Education Program (IEP).
Students qualify for these services based on multiple measures including Smarter Balanced Assessment, classroom assignments, classroom assessments, Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS), and i-Ready Diagnostic.
ECEAP: This is a preschool program available to families who qualify.
ChildFind: Wondering about your child's language, learning, behavior, self-help, or motor skills?
Screenings are offered through White River School District. These screenings help to gain an overall picture of your child's development, ages 34 months to 5 years.
To make an appointment, please call Julie Linville (360) 829-3959.
Screening Dates 2023-2024
If you have any questions about your child's development from birth to 21, please call us at 360-829-0121. If you think your child may have a disability, we can help and are here to serve you.
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