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Security Threat

Lockdown in Classrooms and Playgrounds




Announcement on the intercom, “Please follow lockdown procedures immediately.”




  1. Patti Ross will dial 911 and begin giving information until Scott Hubbard is available.

  2. Staff members will immediately collect unattended children in the hallway or on the sidewalks and lock their classroom doors.

  3. All support staff will go in to the nearest room and lock the door.

  4. All classroom blinds are pulled and lights are turned off.  Students are directed to get to a secure place away from the windows.

  5. All teachers will account for extra or missing students.  This information will be relayed by intercom or telephone by Penny Fry/Tonya Mills.  

  6. Penny Fry/Tonya Mills will check in with each teacher by using the “Squawk Box.”  She will get a complete list to share with us via email (if possible).

  7. Staff should not open a classroom door during a lockdown.  All requests to enter should be considered suspect.


If students are outside:

  1. The playground supervisors will use a whistle to announce the emergency situation.

  2. Upon hearing the whistle, the students will walk quickly to the Don Argo Gymnasium.  Upon entering the Don Argo Gymnasium, the students will line up in the gym by class.  The students will remain in the Don Argo Community Gym until cleared by the office staff.

  3. The playground supervisor will lock the gym doors with the Allen Wrench, which is located on the kitchen wall.

  4. Playground supervisors will use the intercom to notify the office of the situation.

  5. Playground supervisors will take roll of the classes that are in the gym with the student list that is in the kitchen area.

  6. Students will remain in the Don Argo Gymnasium until cleared by the office staff.


Media Plan


The Media Center will be at the Carbonado Fire Hall.  All staff members will send any member of the media to the Fire Hall.  If Scott Hubbard is unavailable, then Patti Ross will speak to the media.  The official district response will be:


We followed our Community Approved Plan for this situation.  Every staff member knew his or her responsibilities.  The goal was to ensure the safety of the children at Carbonado School.  By following the plan, we feel we accomplished this.


Recovery Plan

1)  _____  Media Plan/Phone Response - All staff members will send any member of the media to the Carbonado Fire Hall. The official district response will be:


We followed our Community Approved Plan for this situation.  Every staff member performed his or her responsibilities.  The goal was to ensure the safety of the children at Carbonado School.  By following the plan, we feel we accomplished this.


2)  _____  Verify Facts - The Mr. Hubbard or Mr. King will verify the facts of the                event and coordinate with staff.


3) _____  Consider Need for Legal Counsel - Mr. Hubbard will decide if legal counsel is needed.


4) _____   Staff Meeting/Debriefing - Mr. Hubbard or Mr. King will meet with staff the following morning for a debriefing.


5) _____  Identify Victims of Trauma - Staff will identify any students in need of medical or counseling support.


6) _____  Crisis Team Meeting - The Crisis Response Team (Mr. Hubbard, Mr. King, Ms. Visnaw, Mrs. Hix, and Mrs. Lukasiak) will meet to go over what is needed for the school and community.


7) _____  Contact Flight Team/Mental Health Agencies - Ms. Visnaw or Mrs. Lukasiak will contact our Flight Team Coordinator to bring up the team.


8) _____  Designate Family Liaison - If there was a fatality, Mr. Hubbard and the appropriate staff person will visit the family.


9) _____  Determine when/how school will resume – Mr. Hubbard will determine when school should resume and provide notification to the Carbonado Community.


10)_____  Hire Substitutes - Mrs. Patti Ross will try to hire additional substitutes for staff in need.


11)_____  Set Up Saferooms - Mrs. Lukasiak will designate rooms as Safe Rooms for students and staff in need of Flight Team members.


12)_____  Support for High Risk Students - Staff will identify any students in need of counseling.


13)_____  Identify Needs for Future Building Security – Mr. Luke Scott, Mrs. Cheryl Day, and Mr. Scott Hubbard will go through the school facilities to see where improvement is needed.


14)_____  Distribute List of Local Resources/Agencies as needed – Mrs. Lukasiak and Mrs. Hix will distribute list to those in need.


15)_____  Parent Letter/Meeting - Mr. Hubbard will plan a parent meeting to communicate how the process went for the school.


16)_____  Initial Planning for Memory Activity - If there was a fatality, Ms. Visnaw will plan the memory activity.


17)_____  Determine/Plan for Follow-Up Needs - The Crisis Response Team will meet to decide if there are any follow-up needs.


18)_____  Plan for Debriefings - Mr. Hubbard will debrief with staff at the end of the first school day and meet briefly with staff the second day (continue as needed).   

Carbonado Historical School District       301 O’Ferrell Dr.  Carbonado, WA 98323     PO Box 131             360-829-0121              

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